Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The survey I took was to find out the extremity of each person's belief, and to find any contradictions, if any, in a conservative stance.

This question's responses were interesting to me because the most responses were not one extreme or the other, but a blended view, which was exactly what I hoped. What was surprising was that there were responses saying that God could be the sole reason for life, while no answers were that of evolution. It seems that a base in faith was a very strong attribute in the people surveyed.

I also found that every single person believed that Creationism and evolution can fit comfortably as a rational part of a person's belief system. It was breakthrough because it showed a very liberal view on what seems to be a black-and-white issue.

God being a catalyst for evolution was another idea that supports a blended view. It also would make sense to say that God exists, and evolution is part of God's plan. It doesn't refute the typical view of God's power as a supreme being, and it also doesn't refute the concrete evidence for evolution.

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